Meetings and exchanges to support collaboration in research
Since 2012 CenEA has the privilege to organise the Keynote Lecture Series in Honour of Leonid Hurwicz. Past speakers in this series included: prof. Richard Blundell, prof. Andrew Chesher, prof. David Figlio, prof. John van Reenen, prof. James Heckman, prof. Rachel Griffith and prof. Orazio Attanasio. The Hurwicz Lecture in 2019 will be delivered by prof. Jörn-Steffen Pischke (London School of Economics and Centre for Economic Performance)
Beginning in 2014, the lectures are delivered as part of the annual Ce^2 Workshop organised jointly with the Centre for Microdata Methods and Practise (CeMMAP). This international two-day workshop focuses on microeconomic theory and applications and provides a forum for senior researchers and PhD students to present and discuss their research.
CenEA also cooperates with the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the University of Warsaw in the organisation of the Warsaw International Economic Meeting (WIEM), which usually follows the Ce^2 Workshop and opens with the Hurwicz Lecture.
On top of this we organise other academic conferences and workshops and actively promote our research through participation in the FREE Network events and other national and international conferences.