Projects related to the realization of the SHARE survey
Between 2009 and 2017 CenEA was the Polish partner in the international consortium (SHARE-ERIC) responsible for the development of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). Michal Myck, CenEA’s Director, was the Polish country team leader for SHARE between 2005-2017, and supervised the data collection in Poland in waves 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7. Monika Oczkowska has been the Polish SHARE country team operator since joining CenEA in 2012 (since January 2018 through cooperation with the Warsaw School of Economics which has taken over the coordination of the SHARE project in Poland).
The development of SHARE has been funded through various sources. In its role as the partner in the SHARE consortium CenEA has realized the following projects:
Support in the realisation of panel data surveys of individuals aged 50+ in the international project Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE)
Duration: March 2016 – December 2017.
Project co-funded from the European Social Fund (POWER), implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy and within international scientific cooperation of the SHARE-ERIC consortium.
SHARE – Complementary Blood Collection
Duration: October 2014 – April 2016
In cooperation with the Munich Center for the Economics of Aging (MEA) and the Jagiellonian University CenEA participated in a pilot study of complementing the SHARE interview data with biomarkers.
Conducted under agreement with MEA with funding provided by the Natioanl Institute on Aging.
SHARE Data Collection in Wave 6
Duration: October 2014 – December 2015
Conducted under agreement with the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy with funding provided by the European Social Fund.
SHARE: Multinational Advancement of Research Infrastructures on Ageing
Duration: January 2011 – December 2014
CenEA was the leader of the Work Package of this FP7 project aiming at development of multidimensional exclusion measures for the 50+ population.