Search results for Rynek Pracy

Ce2 Workshop 2019

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Shocked by therapy? Unemployment in the first years of the socio-economic transition in Poland and its long-term consequences

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Wpływ programu Rodzina 500+ na podaż pracy

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Estimating Labour Supply Response to the Introduction of the Family 500+ Programme.

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Living longer, working longer: the need for a comprehensive approach to labour market reform in response to demographic changes

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Making work pay: increasing labour supply of secondary earners in low income families with children in Poland.

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Pułapka bezrobocia i polski system świadczeń rodzinnych: modyfikacje systemu wspierające zatrudnienie rodziców.

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Financial Support for Families with Children and Its Trade-Offs: Balancing Redistribution and Parental Work Incentives

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Unemployment trap and family benefits in Poland (PL)

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