Deaths during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic: insights from regional patterns in Germany and Poland
In the article published recently in the BMC Public Health, researchers from CenEA in cooperation with colleagues from the TU Dortmund University investigate the spatial correlation of deaths in the first year of the pandemic in two neighbouring countries – Germany and Poland, which, among high income countries, seem particularly different in terms of the death toll associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. The analysis aims to yield evidence that spatial patterns of mortality can provide important clues as to the reasons behind significant differences in the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in these two countries.
The article is available here.
A short FREE Policy Brief summarizes the most relevant conclusions of the article: What Can We Learn from Regional Patterns of Mortality During the Covid-19 Pandemic?
The article was prepared as part of the joint Polish-German research project AGE-WELL: Material Conditions and Older Age Wellbeing in Germany and Poland, funded by the National Science Centre in Poland (NCN) and the German Research Foundation (DFG). More details about the AGE-WELL project can be found here.