Search results for Przemiany & Reformy

Policy in the Pipeline: Identifying Regional Public Investment Priorities Using a Natural Experiment

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Ce2 Workshop 2019

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Implications of the Polish 1999 administrative reform for regional socio-economic development

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Shocked by therapy? Unemployment in the first years of the socio-economic transition in Poland and its long-term consequences

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Economic Consequences of Political Persecution

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And the Lights Went Out – Measuring the Economic Situation in Eastern Ukraine

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Wykorzystanie zmian administracyjnych w procesie identyfikacji przyczyn zróżnicowania rozwoju regionalnego.

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The Effect of Public Pension Wealth on Saving and Expenditure.

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Stabilność elastyczności podaży pracy w kontekście wysokiej dynamiki płac oraz istotnych reform opodatkowania kosztów pracy w Polsce w latach 2005-2009

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